Our Vision

A society where every individual enjoys liberty, treats his fellow citizens as equal and with loving kindness.

Our Mission

To educate and train the young generation of India-

  • To help realize their innate potential and creativity.
  • To train cadre who could mobilize and network human and material resources.
  • To liberate Indian society from all discriminative practices such as caste and gender.
  • To reach out to their fellow citizens who are deprived of intellectual & material resources and opportunities.

Our Values

We are committed to-

  • Responding to humanity through loving kindness and compassion.
  • Team work and supporting each other’s growth.
  • Truthfulness and transparency.
  • Open handed generosity.
  • Keep transforming our views and attitudes until we reach to the ultimate truth.
  • Shakyamuni Buddha, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and such great beings who gave their whole lives to liberate humanity are our ideals.

Our Uniqueness

  • We are an ever expanding learning community.
  • We are a youth organization, started by youth and belonging to youth.
  • We take initiative and organize our own activities.
  • We are autonomous and independent.
  • We are a “Network” of young people who connect with each other in meaningful and creative ways.
  • Through networking available resources, we support each other and the society around.
  • We are a network of ‘Buddhist’ youth because we see “Buddhist” as an identity that unites us beyond all caste identities.